2025 Guidelines & FAQs

How Does Crazy8s Work

  • Submit a short film concept in a 3-minute video pitch, along with the first 3 pages of your script. A jury of industry professionals and independent film community peers evaluates these submissions.

  • 40 quarterfinalists pitch live, in person, to a separate jury of industry professionals and independent film community peers.

  • 12 semifinalists workshop their full script drafts with professional story editors, and submit a final draft for evaluation by the live pitch jury.

  • 6 finalist winners receive $2,000 each, and an in-kind production package and post-production services worth up to $50,000 provided by sponsors from the local film industry and community.

  • These 6 teams must complete their short films within the same 8-day timeframe.

  • The finished films and teams are celebrated at a Gala Screening followed by an Afterparty, the largest single-evening film screening event in Vancouver, attended by members of the independent filmmaking community, industry professionals, and the general public.

Note: If required, production and all public events will be in compliance with government health and safety protocols pertaining to COVID-19.

Learn more about Crazy8s & Our History →

  • Registration, fee payment, and pitch package submission are online via our FilmFreeway page.

  • Submissions are only accepted via FilmFreeway. Crazy8s does not accept submissions through any other platform.

  • The primary registrant and all key creative team members (producer, director, writer, lead actor) must be either Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent residency status will be required if a project moves on to the quarterfinal stage.

  • Online registration starts in early September and closes in mid-to-late October at 11:59pm on the closing date.

  • After registration, you have up to the closing date/time to submit your pitch package, which includes an up to 3-minute video pitch and a 3-page script sample.

  • There is typically an online Registration and Pitch Information Session (online) in late September featuring Crazy8s alumni and jurors, providing further information about the program and insight to what makes for an effective Crazy8s submission and pitch, followed by a Q&A with attendees.

  • Crazy8s accepts all genres of live action, scripted narrative short film pitches, e.g. drama, comedy, science fiction, horror, fantasy, musical, mockumentary, etc.

  • Crazy8s does not accept animation or documentary pitches.

  • Registrants are not required to have a producer in place before the registration/submission deadline.

  • However! Having at least a lead producer on board by the time you tape and submit your video pitch, can help assure the judges you will be able to successfully complete the film that you are pitching within the 8-day timeframe, especially if the project seems ambitious.

  • If you are selected as a quarterfinalist and you don’t have a producer in place by the time of your live pitch, you can expect the jury to ask how you plan to find one, and to have your response factored into their evaluation.

  • It is highly recommended that you attach at least one producer to your team as early in the process as possible.

  • Crazy8s does not allow a director to also be a lead producer, though a director can receive a producing credit. To help provide the best chance for success, the Crazy8s timeframe is too tight for one person to both direct and be an active lead producer.

  • Other key creative role combinations, such as Producer/Writer or Director/Writer, are acceptable.

  • Crazy8s does not enforce limitations on the number of directors, or producers, or writers etc. on any project. The goal is for participating teams to make the best films possible within the timeframe.

  • There are two separate jury panels through three rounds of judging – one jury for the initial video pitch stage, and another jury for the live pitches and final script evaluation.

  • The video pitches/script sample submissions are evaluated by a combination of Crazy8s alumni filmmakers and other industry professionals.

  • The 40 quarterfinalists will be invited to pitch live, in-person, to another jury of industry professionals that may also include Crazy8s alumni filmmakers.

  • The live pitch jury is completely separate from the video pitch jury. The live pitch jury will not have viewed any of the video pitches or seen any of the script sample pages from the first round of judging, before the live pitch session.

  • Pitch your film concept to the camera, just as you would pitch live to a jury panel. You can pitch “talking heads” style, looking directly into the camera; or pitch using a combination of “talking heads” and video/audio clips and graphics.

  • Video pitches must not be longer than 3 minutes TRT. Video pitches longer than 3 minutes will be disqualified.

  • The content of the video pitch is more important than high production value. All that’s needed is to clearly see you and hear you, and to clearly see/hear any video/audio clips or graphics if you use any. Feel free to use a mobile phone camera, webcam, still camera video, etc. to tape your pitch. Video output can be in any format accepted by FilmFreeway, e.g. .mov, .mp4

Be sure to include these elements:

  • A slate: State your name(s) and role(s), and the title of your project. It’s usually best to start with an introduction of who you are before you tell us about your concept. You do not have to pitch alone! You can include other team members or key creatives you already have on board, but please bear in mind you still will only have 3 minutes to pitch.

  • A logline, the concept, and the story: A one-sentence summary of what the film is about, the idea behind it, and what happens in the story. Don’t leave anything out – the jury needs to know that you clearly understand what your story is about; how it starts, unfolds, and ends; and how you’re going to tell it.

  • Your team’s strengths and your vision for the project: Why the film should be made, and why you/your team should be the one(s) to make it. Show your passion for the project. You need to believe in your film, and so does the jury!

  • Your resources: The resources you may already have access to, or that you plan to get, to make the film – such as a lead on specific location(s) or access to specialized props, or technical personnel and gear. This is especially important if your concept is very specific e.g. is FX-heavy, a period piece, or has many locations, or seems potentially too ambitious to successfully complete in just 8 days.

Nice to have:

  • Example visuals or audio: Use music in the video to provide a sense of the mood of your film, and feel free to include any video clips or graphics that can provide a sense of the visual treatment.

Crazy8s is a scripted narrative short filmmaking challenge. The video pitch jury will want to see that you understand your story and your project’s requirements, AND that you have started a script draft that has the potential to hook the reader/audience within the first three pages.

Be sure that your script sample includes:

  • The first three pages of your current script draft, plus a title page e.g: Title Page + Pages 1-3 of your script.

  • The script sample pages should be in industry standard script/screenplay format.

  • Your title page should have: The script title (this should match your project title); Your name; The date of your draft; Your contact details (email, phone).

  • Submit your script sample as a single PDF document.

  • You will have up to 5 minutes to pitch, and up to another 5 minutes to respond to jury questions.

  • At the cutoff time, you must stop pitching. There will be a timekeeper in the pitch room to keep things on track and provide a 1-minute warning.

  • If you are a quarterfinalist, in advance of your live pitch you will be asked to submit a one-sheet document in PDF format with a Director’s Statement and Synopsis of your story/project. You will also be asked to bring up to 6 hard copies of the one-sheet with you to the live pitch session.

  • The live pitch jury will not have viewed any of the video pitches or seen any of the script sample pages from the first round of judging. Your live pitch should include the same basic elements as your video pitch.

  • You do not have to pitch alone! You can include other team members or key creatives such as a producer/co-producer, co-director, or co-writer that you already have on board, but please bear in mind you still will only have 5 minutes to pitch. We strongly encourage in-person attendance as the most effective way to present your project to the jury, but have videoconferencing capability if necessary.

  • You can bring supplemental material, such as drawings/posters or audio/video, but this is primarily a verbal pitch and supplementary material is not necessary. The live pitches are evaluated primarily on the strength of the idea/story and the feasibility of the project for the Crazy8s timeframe. Any materials you bring should support either story or feasibility, or both. No screening equipment is provided in the room for your use, so you will need to provide your own laptop or other device – bearing in mind you only have 5 minutes, including any audio/video setup time. We also highly recommend you bring a backup alternative, in case you encounter A/V technical difficulties.

After your up to 5-minute live pitch, the jury will have up to 5 minutes to ask you questions. They may ask you to clarify aspects of your pitch or story idea; or ask questions related to pre-production, production, and post-production. Be prepared to respond to questions about locations, stunts, props, FX – anything that might potentially be a challenge to your film being successfully completed in 8 days. The jury may also ask:

  • Why do you want to participate in Crazy8s? What makes your project a good fit for the Crazy8s program?

  • What is your inspiration for this story? Why should you be the one to tell this story? What gives you access to this story?

  • Crazy8s takes cultural and community representation seriously. If your story is set in a culture or community that is not your dominant culture or community: Why should you be the one to tell this story/what is your personal connection with the story? Do you have a plan to include filmmakers/creatives from the culture/community, besides including them as representatives and/or consultants? Do you have permission from the culture/community to tell this story? Do you plan to hire production support from the culture/community?

  • Crazy8s support gender parity and inclusivity. What are your plans for creating a culture of equality and inclusiveness?

  • What do you foresee could be a production/post production challenge for your project, and what are your plans for addressing it?

  • The 12 semifinalists will attend a script coordination workshop and be paired with professional story editors, to hone their full script drafts at a story editing workshop and table read.

  • The final script drafts are then submitted to the live pitch jury for review. Based on the strength of these final drafts, six finalist teams/projects will be selected.

  • The Top 6 finalist projects/teams each receive in-kind production/post-production support worth close to $50,000, mentorship and workshops, plus $2,000 cash, to help complete their films in just 8 crazy days.

  • The support includes an HD Camera, a lighting and grip package, casting director services, full production insurance, producer mentors and DGC-BC director mentors, some vehicle/props/costume rental discounts, some free municipal locations, online platform and cloud-based storage for required production paperwork and assets, on-line editing including title generation, colour correction, professional sound mix, credit support, and additional program mentorship throughout the process.

Please refer to the Rules and Regulations section for key dates for the current year.

To see more past Crazy8s films, trailers, and behind the scenes, visit our YouTube @Crazy8sfilm.

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