The Faraway Place


Crew & Cast

DIRECTOR(S) / Kenny Welsh
WRITER(S) / Kenny Welsh
PRODUCER(S) / Po-Chun Chen
FEATURING / Raine Mateo, Simon Baker, Christian Sloan, Emmett Hanly

Filmmaker Bios

Kenny Welsh

  • Director
  • /Writer

Kenny Welsh is an indigenous filmmaker based in Vancouver. Growing up in the Yukon, he draws inspiration from the isolating winters to tell stories of human connection and communication. Since graduating with a Bachelor’s in Film from Emily Carr University, he has been reconnecting with his indigenous heritage through filmmaking.

Po-Chun Chen

  • Producer

PoChun Chen is a Taiwanese filmmaker and photographer. Graduating from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, she has produced, shot, and directed numerous short films, and worked as a camera operator for a Chinese-Canadian web series. In 2021, she shot and co-directed “Closing Doors”, and won best Cinematography at the Mighty Asian Moviemaking Marathon – the film later screened at VAFF.

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