Crazy8s Call For Applications – 2025 Telefilm Talent To Watch

Crazy8s Film Society saw the successful application to the Talent to Watch progam for THE CHINATOWN DINER by Crazy8s director/writer alumni Lawrence Le Lam (CYPHER, 2017) which went to camera in the fall of 2023 and is currently in post production. The feature is produced by Crazy8s alumni Thomas Affolter.

Crazy8s is pleased to announce the 2025 Call for Applications for the Telefilm Talent to Watch feature film funding program through Crazy8s, which is a Designated Industry Partner in the program.

  • Deadline to apply to Crazy8s is March 31, 2025
  • Successful applicants (up to two finalists – one in each of the Main and Indigenous categories) will be notified by Crazy8s by April 15, 2025
  • Applications are accepted to Telefilm Talent To Watch from April 16 – 30, 2025


The primary applicant must be either a Crazy8s alumni Director or alumni Writer, and must meet the criteria set by Telefilm in the Talent To Watch guidelines.

To be considered, key members attached to the project (Producer, Writer and Director) must:

  • Qualify as emerging talent per the Telefilm Talent To Watch guidelines definition.
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • The Director must be a Crazy8s alumni director on a past Crazy8s short film.
  • The Writer must be a Crazy8s alumni writer on a past Crazy8s short film.
  • One of the Producers must be a Crazy8s alumni producer on a past Crazy8s short film.
  • The submitted project must be a scripted narrative work of fiction. Crazys does not accept documentary project submissions.

The successful applicant will receive a Letter of Recommendation from Crazy8s to include with their application to Talent To Watch, in the Designated Industry Partner Stream.

Please send your submission to by March 31, 2025 at 5:00pm with “Talent To Watch Submission: [Project Name]” in the subject line.

NOTE: Please read the guidelines here and on the Telefilm website prior to submitting to us.

Talent to Watch – Overview and Guidelines from the Telefilm Website

How to Submit through Crazy8s:

To submit to Crazy8s for the first round, include the following:

  1. A Cover Letter answering the following questions:
  • Introduce yourselves and your past Crazy8s involvement.
  • What sets your project apart from the other films that might be applying?
  • Why are you the right person to be supported by Crazy8s?
  • Why is this project important to you?
  1. A 4-page pitch document that contains the following:
  • Short Synopsis (suggest ½ page)
  • Key Creative Team (include Filmography, Track-Record, Diversity, Links to Previous Work) – include links to further information as necessary (suggest 1 ½ pages)
  • Budget Top Sheet (suggest 1 page)
  • Rough Overview of your Production Schedule – include links to further information as necessary (suggest ½ page)
  • Cultural Impact and Audience Reach Potential (suggest ½ page)
  1. A full script draft (depending on the number or submissions, we can’t guarantee that the script will be read in its entirety)

Crazy8s Film Society will assemble a Committee of film industry professionals / Crazy8s Board members to review the submissions with an understanding of the Telefilm evaluation criteria, including a focus on four key Evaluation Criteria:

Creative elements

Telefilm evaluates the creative elements of the projects including the originality, quality and production-readiness of the script, the director’s vision for the film, and the community engagement plan.

Track record of the Key Members of the Creative Team (Producer, Director, and Screenwriter)

Telefilm evaluates the screen-based industry experience of the creative team, primarily the producer, director, and screenwriter, including critical acclaim. Telefilm will also consider the creative team’s full range of industry experience and level of expertise as it relates to the nature and scope of the project.

Project Viability

The financial feasibility and creative viability will be taken into account in the evaluation of the project.

Cultural Impact and Audience Reach Potential

Telefilm will consider the applicant’s promotional strategy to make the film available to its target audience, including through film festivals, theatrical release and digital platforms.

The Crazy8s TTW Selection Committee will then select the project to advance to the Telefilm application stage through the Designated Industry Partner Stream, and may offer notes towards the project’s final submission package for Telefilm Canada. It will be up to each candidate to make the actual online application to Telefilm by April 30, 2025 at the latest.

More about Talent To Watch

The Talent to Watch Program – Funding of First Feature Films from Emerging Filmmakers (the “Program”) aims to support a diverse array of emerging filmmakers. The intended outcome of this Program is to discover and develop the next generation of Canadian filmmakers, and to allow them to establish their voice and sensibility through a first feature. Note: The directors, writers and producers must be emerging filmmakers under the definition of Telefilm.

Through this partnership with Telefilm, Crazy8s Film Society is authorized to recommend up to two projects in the Industry Partner Stream of the program:

Industry Partner Stream

Filmmakers need to apply to their Designated Partner (In this case Crazy8s Film Society) to get a recommendation before applying to Telefilm. The Designated Partner will choose which projects to recommend to Telefilm and provide a recommendation letter to the team to include in their funding application to Telefilm. Crazy8s may recommend a project under the following two components:

Main component (must have a Crazy8s director and writer alumni and minimum one Crazy8s alum producer attached) and

Indigenous component (key members of the creative team of the project must be Indigenous)

Note: The Talent to Watch Program has two other streams that eligible filmmakers can apply directly to:

Filmmaker Apply-Direct Stream

Emerging filmmakers can apply directly to Telefilm without having a recommendation from a Designated Partner if they are members of the following groups:

  • Indigenous
  • Black
  • People of Colour
  • Women
  • Gender-diverse individuals
  • 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals
  • Persons with disabilities; and/or
  • Members of an Official Language Minority Community

Festival Selection Stream

For emerging filmmakers who have directed a short film that was selected at a recognized film festival.

General Eligibility Criteria for ALL Streams

The Producers, Directors and Writers are considered as the key members of the creative team.

To be eligible, all the key members of the creative team must:

  1. be Canadian citizens, within the definition of the Citizenship Act, or permanent residents within the definition of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (unless the project is an audiovisual treaty coproduction)
  1. be emerging talent, i.e.: they must have previously produced, directed and/or written at least a:
  • short film (a film of 30 minutes or less)
  • web production
  • television content
  • commercials
  • music videos

Or equivalent experience in the screen-based industry and they must not have previously held the same key position on a feature film.

Note 1: Producers who have previously produced one feature film that has received funding under this

Program are also considered as emerging talent. This Program was called the “Micro-Budget Production Program” before.

Note 2: Telefilm will show flexibility in the eligibility evaluation of key creatives who have previously produced, written or directed a feature film project of micro-budget scope4 funded outside of this Program and that had a limited release.

Applications to Telefilm may be submitted by companies or individuals on behalf of a company to be incorporated in the future.

If a team wishes to submit an application to Telefilm but has yet to incorporate a company, a duly authorized member of the key creative team may submit an application on behalf of the company to be incorporated. If a project is selected by Telefilm for funding, the financing agreement will be signed with the company.

Telefilm’s funding will be in the form of a non-repayable financial contribution that may cover up to 100% of the project’s financing. The maximum contribution amount is set at $250,000 for fiction feature films and $150,000 for documentaries.

Please send your submission to by March 31, 2025 at 5:00pm with “Talent To Watch Submission: [Project Name]” in the subject line.

NOTE: Please read the guidelines here and on the Telefilm website prior to submitting to us.

Talent to Watch – Overview and Guidelines from the Telefilm Website

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